Saturday, November 21, 2009


Time to fill you in... The Voodoo Glow Skulls show went well. The kids had good energy and it reflected on us. Our set was cut fairly short, which was a bummer, but it was still awesome to check out some ska. On the 11th, we played at the Woodshed with The Past 10's and Kyle Whipple and both tore it up. We played our final show of the year the following Monday with the Assent. Both shows were a blast and we're way grateful to all those that came out.

We've started recording our upcoming album, Playing In The Background. We arrived at Steve's on Thursday at around noon and got started as soon as we could. We finished all the drum tracks that night. Yesterday, we did drum edits and then let off some steam afterward by improving songs and dancing like idiots with a few friends. We're working on guitars as we speak. Here's hoping everything sounds awesome. I'll update y'all soon.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Hey! We've been working on finalizing our songs lately seeing as we're hitting the studio in less than three weeks. It's so close! We're stoked. We've selected the ten songs we will be recording, ranging from our earliest material to songs we've put together in the last month or so. We've even been jamming with some friends to add a few surprise elements to the record. Ear candy.

The other night (Friday) we played a Halloween party at Fordham's with our good friend Kyle. We had a lot of people there who had never seen us before, but they all seemed to enjoy themselves, as did we. I totally wish there were no noise ordinances. We would've played all night. It's always nice to see four costumed dudes rocking out in a basement.

Anyway, I'll update this thing in a few hours. I'm listening to some ska right now to get pumped for our show in just a bit. Yep. We're playing tonight with everyone's favorite Mexican ska band, the Voodoo Glow Skulls! We'll be on stage in less than two hours. So I'm out. Take care, kids!


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Beginning - 10/10/09

Hey there, friends. I decided--both from boredom and from a want to document it--I'd start writing a blog about all of my creative endeavors, be it music, literature or otherwise. I figure this will tend to be primarily inclined toward music, but that is--I guess--still to be seen. So. To start...

The band that I sing for, Game On, has existed in the form it is currently in since January 27th of this year. I went and pretty much just hung out with friends, worked on a song or two, and it was decided that I would take up vocals for them. At the time of my joining, I think three or four songs were in the works, none of which were entirely complete. We jammed in Mark's basement for two months or so before recording a five song EP entitled Apologies In Advance.

Shortly thereafter, we began to play shows, intermittently at first, but fairly regularly within a few months. Two months after the first recording, we hit the studio again to record another four song EP, this one much stronger, better recorded, and showcasing a more solid musical identity. We have since shared the stage with a good number of bands that is constantly growing. We plan on recording our first full length album starting on Nov 19th--ten original songs, including one with a few guests--and releasing it in early January. We have three shows remaining before our recording break of a month and a half. In fact, at the moment, we don't have another show scheduled until Nov 1st, which makes me restless. I hate waiting that long to play again! But, the show is with The Voodoo Glow Skulls, so that helps :)

On another note, my good friend Bobby returned from his mission a few short days ago and we plan on restarting our old project, Hillblocks View, in which I play guitar and sing. I'll update that as it develops.

Since I'm way behind, here are a few photos of me and the mates of Game On from past shows.

With this blog I will start writing about each show we play, the bands we play with, what we're doing as far as writing, recording, pressing merch, etc, as well as the occasional CD or book review. Anyway. Thanks for reading and check back often for updates.
